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- Sara Martín Alegre, “On the Monographic Section about Posthumanism”
- Sara Martín, “Retrospective Posthumanism: Frankenstein According to Our Vocabulary»
- Francisco Collado-Rodríguez, “The Female, the Intertextual, and the Transhuman in William Gibson’s Molly Millions”
- Beatriz Domínguez-García, “Of Mutants and Monsters: A Posthuman Study of Verhoeven’s and Wiseman’s Total Recall“
- Lidia María Cuadrado Payeras, “Posthuman Worldbuilding in Nalo Hopkinson’s Midnight Robber: An Exploration of the Techno/Natural Divide”
- Rocío Carrasco Carrasco, “Experiencing the Posthuman: The Cinematic Clone in the 21st Century”
- Amaya Fernández Menicucci, “Mors Dei, Vita Mea: Human, Transhuman, and Posthuman Identities in the TV Series Altered Carbon and Westworld“
- Mónica Calvo Pascual, “The Tiger Flu: A Critical Posthumanist Response to the Illusion of Transhumanism”
Retrieved Works
- Federico de Castro, “The Perfect Slave”
- Salvador Rueda, «The Iron City»
- Ion Heliade-Rădulescu, Pietro Gori, Guerau de Liost, “Paraísos futuros: tres himnos utópicos”
- Ippolito Nievo, Antônio Gomes Neto, “Humanos y equivalentes: dos historias prospectivas satíricas”
- Anatole France, Arturo Graf, Auguste Angellier, Alexandru Petroff, António Feijó, “Visiones tras los apocalipsis: cuatro poemas épico-fantásticos sobre ruinas”
- Àngel Guimerà, Renée Vivien, Arturo Graf, Ion Pillat, Humberto De Campos,
Gian Fontana, “Nuevas escrituras sobre el Dios y el Diablo: seis ficciones teológicas dualistas”